Term |
Definition |
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1-to-1 technology |
One device per student in the classroom with the goal of making learning more individualized and to extend academics beyond the four-walled classroom.
adaptive learning |
Software that adapts its content and pacing to the current knowledge level and skill needs of the user. |
Other Resources:
How It Works: Adaptive Testing
asynchronous learning |
A teaching method that leverages online resources in such a way that students and instructors do not need to be in the same place at the same time. |
Other Resources:
Asychronous vs. Sychronous
blended learning |
A combination of online and on-site learning and supports some element of student control over the time, place, path, and or/pace of their learning experience .
MSDE defines a blended course as 'one in which less than 80 percent of the instruction is conducted online. Such a course is also referred to as a "hybrid" course.
Wiki Links:
Learn more by registering for DLU Workshops:
Other Resources:
What is Blended Learning?
blog |
Short for "Web Log," this term refers to a list of journal entries about personal opinions, activities, or experiences posted on a web page |
Wiki Links:
Kidblog ((from the Toolbox Index)
Learn more by registering for DLU Workshop - Kidblog
cloud computing |
Storing and accessing data and programs over the Internet instead of your computer's hard drive
Wiki Links:
Microsoft Office 365
digital citizen |
Someone who navigates the possibilities and pitfalls of the digital world safely, responsibly, and respectfully. |
Wiki LInks:
Digital Citizenship
Other Resources:
Digital Citizen Poster
digital citizenship |
The practice of navigating the digital world safely, responsibly, and ethically. |
Wiki Links:
Digital Citizenship
digital curation |
The selection, preservation, maintenance, collection and archiving of digital resources. |
Wiki Links:
Learn more by registering for DLU Workshop - Curating Digital Resources
Teacher Tools: LessonPaths, Scoop it, Symbaloo, Microsoft OneNote
Student Tools: Edmodo, LiveBinders, Padlet, Classtools: Brainy Box, VoiceThread, PBWorks, Microsoft OneNote
flipped learning |
A model in which students access the directed teaching, usually at home, through videos or other media. Classroom time is then spent applying skills through inquiry-based learning with teacher having more personalized guidance and interaction with students by facilitating rather than lecturing. |
Wiki Links:
Learn more by registering for DLU Workshops:
Other Resources:
What is the flipped classroom?
The Flipped Classroom Model
hashtag |
A word or phrase preceded by the symbol # that classifies or categorizes the accompanying text (such as a tweet).

Wiki Links:
Learn more by registering for DLU Workshops:
Twitter,(from the Toolbox Index)
individualized learning |
Personalized and customized learning strategies and goals that target an individual’s strengths and weaknesses, often thereby encouraging more learner ownership over the learning process/experience. |
Wiki Resources:
Learn more by registering for DLU Workshops:
Other Resources:
BCPS One Support Manual
infographic |
A graphic, visual representation of information, data, or knowledge |
Wiki Links:
interactive notebook |
A notebook students use to organize information.

from https://sites.google.com/a/leanderisd.org/the-art-of-teaching/interactive-notebooks
Wiki Links:
Learn more by registering for DLU Workshop - Interactive Notebooks
inquiry-based learning |
A process that students engage in to learn more about a topic. Students often have choice in the what and how of learning. Students must create, investigate, and pose possible answers to their own questions.
5 Steps of Inquiry-based Learning:
- Ask questions
- Probe into various situations
- Conduct analyses and provide descriptions
- Communicate findings, verbally or in writing
- Think about the information and knowledge obtained
Wiki Links:
Learn more by registering for DLU Workshop - Deepening Student Understanding with Inquiry-Based and Project-Based Learning
learning management system (LMS) |
A platform for the administration, documentation, delivery, tracking, and reporting of online learning activities. |
Wiki Links:
Learn more by registering for DLU Workshops:
Other Resources:
BCPS One Support Manual
maker learning |
Hands-on learning that allows for students to authentically collaborate, problem solve, and innovate while also applying skills and concepts learned across all subject areas.
Maker learning is about the process through which students go: determining a purpose for their project, researching, prototyping, testing, and completing multiple iterations as they discover things that don’t work and/or can be improved.
Wiki LInks:
Learn more by registering for DLU Workshop - Maker Learning
online learning |
an Internet-based course in which 80 percent or more of the instruction is conducted online, the teacher and student are separated by distance or time or both and two-way communication is required between teacher and student |
project-based learning |
Project-based learning begins with inquiry. Teachers and students create driving questions that lead to conducting research. The research helps inform possible solutions for the students to present and share. Students create something as a result of their learning.
Wiki Links:
Learn more by registering for DLU Workshop - Deepening Student Understanding with Inquiry-Based and Project-Based Learning
QR (Quick Response) Code |
a type of bardcode that when scanned takes the user to a URL, displays text, or contains other information |
Wiki Links:
QR Codes
RSS feed (Really Simple Syndication) |
allows user to subscribe to a variety of content (blogs, news headlines, audio, video) and then receive new content automatically in your feed reader

Other Resources:
RSS in Plain English
social media |
Forms of electronic communication through which users create online communities to share information, ideas, personal messages, and other content |
Wiki Links:
Learn more by registering for DLU Workshops:
Twitter, and Edmodo (from the Toolbox Index)
spam |
Electronic junk mail or junk newsgroup postings |
Other Resources:
What is Spam?
sketchnote |
Visual representations of notes taken during a lecture, video, while reading a text, brainstorming, or reflecting. |
Wiki Links:
Learn more by registering for DLU Workshop - Visual Thinking with Sketchnotes
Other Resources:
Sketchnoting for Beginners by Sylvia Duckworth
Kathy Schrock's Guide to Sketchnoting in the Classroom
synchronous online learning |
real-time learning where instructors and learners participate in instant two-way communication |
Other Resources:
Asychronous vs. Sychronous
tweet |
a post made on the Twitter online message service

Wiki Links:
Learn more by registering for DLU Workshops:
Twitter (from the Toolbox Index)
URL (Uniform Resource Locator) |
The letters and symbols that are the address of a website.

Wiki Links:
Learn more by registering for DLU Workshop - Device 101
wiki |
a website that allows anyone to add, modify, or delete information from it |
Wiki Links:
Learn more through a self-paced tutorial
PBWorks (from the Toolbox Index)
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