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readwritethink:Trading Card Creator

Page history last edited by Jennifer Weaver 6 years, 2 months ago
Trading Card Creator Logo

 Using readwritethinkTrading Card Creator

 Level 2 No Data Is Shared Icon

Level 2 Tool

No data is shared:

Access to this tool does not require any user to share information about themselves






Terms of Use

Privacy Policy 

This information last checked: 10/21/2016




Getting Started 


Readwritethink's Trading Card Creator gives students an artistic way to present their literacy knowledge and skill when writing about popular culture texts or real world examples. This interactive allows students to create their own trading card about a real or fictional person, place, object, event, or abstract concept. 


Trading Card Interface



Learning How 

Short 60 second video showcasing Trading Card Creator's ease of use.



 Ideas for Use


Visit the readwritethink website for grade specific examples and templates for use in your classroom.




Provide multiple means of

Representation (Content)


Provide multiple means of

Action and Expression (Product)

Students publish biographies by creating a trading card.   

Provide multiple means of

Engagement (Process)



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