Teacher Use Only:
User accounts with PII beyond directory may be required to use this tool, therefore it is only for teacher use.
Grades: N/A
Scoop.it is an online tool for teachers to help with curating ideas and resources from all over the web. Users (including yourself) can "scoop" articles and news stories from sites across the web. Then search a topic and see all the "scooped" stories.
A short tutorial on using Scoop.it

- Create a simple webpage for a single topic. If you are teaching about a specific topic (a holiday, country, person, etc.) in some depth, you can aggregate articles on the subject matter on one page. See here about a teacher who used it to make a Ground Hog’s Day page.
- Publish a magazine for colleagues or like-minded types on what you think are interesting or pertinent topics. An example can be found here as well as links to other useful web applications.
- Organizing in one location materials that you might use across different classes. You can use a Scoop.it page to aggregate educational videos, online quizzes, spelling resources, and other similar stuff. These guys/gals can show you how to do it.
- If you are teaching about an active news item, you can use Scoop.it curation tools to create a page that is constantly updated with the latest items on the topic. Here is more about how to go about doing that.
- Or use it to create your own lightweight, low-maintenance blog with automated content addition. Take a look at this Scoop.it page maintained by this teacher.
Redefinition |
Provide multiple means of
Representation (Content)
Provide multiple means of
Action and Expression (Product)
Provide multiple means of
Engagement (Process)
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