
Instructional Activities

Page history last edited by Valerie Schaffer 7 years, 7 months ago


TPACK Diagram


Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) is a framework that identifies the knowledge educators need to teach effectively with technology.  At the heart of the framework is an understanding that effective teaching involves three interconnected skill domains: knowledge of content, knowledge of pedagogy, and knowledge of technology.  A TPACK approach goes beyond seeing these three knowledge bases in isolation and emphasizes the new kinds of knowledge that lie at the intersections between them.  Effective technology integration should begin by considering desired instructional outcomes and identifying activities that can support those outcomes.  Once the instructional activities have been identified, technology tools can develop and implement them in a meaningful way. 


Researchers from the College of William & Mary developed "Learning Activity Types taxonomies" that are specific for the following content areas: K-6 Literacy, Mathematics, Music, Physical Education, Science, Secondary English Language Arts, Social Studies, Visual Arts, and World Languages.  The chart below lists 77 of the most common cross-curricular activities, descriptions, and tools that can be used to support effective technology integration in instruction (adapted from


You may want to use the page search function (CTRL-F) of your web browser if you are looking for a specific activity.


Instructional Activity Description Supporting Technology Tools

Activate Prior Knowledge

Students think about what they already know about the topic and make connections prior to learning new information.  By activating or generating prior knowledge and experience, students are able to frontload meaning and forge connections that help in terms of motivation, focus, and comprehension.

Teacher Tools: Socrative

Student Tools: Classtools: FakebookClasstools: Post-itClasstools: TimelineVoiceThreadWixieKidblogPadletPicLitsBubbl usClasstools: DiagramsEdmodo,  

Analyze Artifacts

Students explore a topic using physical or virtual artifacts, including data, text, images, etc.

Teacher Tools: Prezi,,LessonPathsScoop itSymbaloo

Student Tools: VoiceThread, LiveBindersClasstools: Brainy Boxcontentresearch

Analyze Data

Using student-generated data or print-based and digital data available online, students pursue original lines of inquiry and compare and contrast data collected against criteria and/or previous analyses

Teacher Tools: Poll DaddySocrativeSurveyMonkey

Student Tools: Create a GraphGapMinderEdmodo 


Students make annotations in their own and others’ work based on observations and reflections related to relevant course concepts

Teacher Tools:

Student Tools: Microsoft WordPBWorksKidblogEdmodoVoiceThreadWixie

Answer questions

Students respond to teacher, peer, written, or digitally posed questions

Teacher Tools: EdmodoKidblogVoiceThread,

Student Tools: Poll DaddySocrativeSurveyMonkeyCramPadletPBWorks

Ask questions

Students develop questions related to course material/concepts

Teacher Tools: 

Student Tools: Classtools: SMS Fake Text GeneratorClasstools: Twister- Fake TweetKidblogPBWorksPadlet,, Classtools: Dustbin GamePicLitsEdmodoVoiceThreadClasstools: Arcade Game GeneratorABCya: Crossword Puzzle MakerClasstools: QR Game Generator

Book Club/ Literature Circles

Students read books, take part in peer-led discussions, and participate in a community sharing session

Teacher Tools: 

Student Tools: VoiceThreadEdmodoKidblogPBWorksTumbleBook LibraryTumbleBook Cloud JrTumbleBook Cloud



Students list as many topics as possible to write about

Teacher Tools: 

Student Tools: Bubbl usClasstools: DiagramsPadlet


Categorize/ Classify

The student attempts to examine a concept or relationship in order to categorize it into a set of known categories or classify it according to course content

Teacher Tools: Socrative 

Student Tools: Bubbl usClasstools: DiagramsPadletWixiePBWorksVoiceThreadEdmodo,



Cloze Technique

Students insert words that have been omitted as they read to complete and construct meaning from text

Teacher Tools: Poll DaddySocrativeSurveyMonkey,

Student Tools: EdmodoCramABCya: Crossword Puzzle MakerStorybird


Collect/ Curate

Students upload, collect, bookmark and organize resources, artifacts, materials, works, and research

Teacher Tools: 

Student Tools: EdmodoLiveBindersPadletClasstools: Brainy BoxVoiceThreadPBWorksresearch


Compare and Contrast

Students identify how things are alike and different in order to understand multiple characteristics, evidence, and/or perspectives on a topic

Teacher Tools: 

Student Tools: Bubbl usClasstools: DiagramsClasstools: Post-itWixieVoiceThreadPadlet


Complete Graphic Organizers

Students use teacher or self created visual and graphic organizers to illustrate relationships among facts, terms or ideas

Teacher Tools: TimeToast

Student Tools: Bubbl usClasstools: DiagramsWixieClasstools: Living GraphClasstools: Timelinereadwritethink:TimelineABCya: Word Cloud for KidsTagxedoWordsiftWordle

Concept Mapping

Students develop a visual or diagram that illustrates the relationships among concepts

Teacher Tools: GliffyTimeToast,

Student Tools: Bubbl usClasstools: DiagramsMicrosoft PowerPointClasstools: Living GraphClasstools: Timelinereadwritethink:TimelinePadletPBWorksABCya: PaintDrawIslandDraw toWixie


Conduct an Interview

Face to face, via audio/videoconference, or via email students question someone on a chosen topic; may be digitally recorded and shared

Teacher Tools: Twitter

Student Tools: VoiceThreadKidblogPBWorks, Edmodo


Students conference (in person or online, or through audio or video) with each other and/or a teacher to share writing and provide focused feedback for one another

Teacher Tools: 

Student Tools: EdmodoMicrosoft WordKidblogPBWorksVoiceThread

Create a Game

Students combine rules, strategies, and knowledge to develop a game, in paper or digital form, to help other students learn content

Teacher Tools: 

Student Tools: ABCya: Crossword Puzzle MakerClasstools: Arcade Game GeneratorClasstools: Dustbin GameClasstools: Mission MapquestClasstools: QR Game GeneratorWixieVoiceThreadMicrosoft PowerPointClasstools: Post-it

Create a Map

Students label existing maps or produce their own; print-based materials or digitally

Teacher Tools: 

Student Tools: Classtools: Mission MapquestCommunity WalkGoogle MapsScribbleMaps



Create a Newspaper/ Magazine/ Newsletter/ Brochure

Students synthesize information from textbooks, encyclopedias, and/or websites in the form of a print-based or electronic periodical

Teacher Tools: Scoop it

Student Tools: KidblogPBWorksStorybirdLiveBinders researchreadwritethink:Trading Card CreatorWixie

Create a Portfolio

Students create and document ideas, works of art, documents and other artifacts in a portfolio format

Teacher Tools: 

Student Tools: EdmodoPBWorksLiveBindersVoiceThreadMicrosoft PowerPointWixie


Create a Project/ Artifact

Students create a project (e.g., play script, report, book trailer) or artifact (e.g., 3D model, diorama) as a culminating activity that illustrates or applies what they have learned

Teacher Tools: 

Student Tools: Make Beliefs ComixPhrase itPicLitsreadwritethink:Cube Creatorreadwritethink:Timelinereadwritethink:Trading Card CreatorScribbleMapsStorybirdTimeToastVokiWixieClasstools: Brainy BoxClasstools: Arcade Game GeneratorABCya: PaintABCya: Make an AnimationABCya: Crossword Puzzle MakerVoiceThreadPBWorksKidblog EdmodoDraw toDrawIslandCreate a GraphCommunity WalkClasstools: Twister- Fake TweetClasstools: TimelineClasstools: SMS Fake Text GeneratorClasstools: QR Game GeneratorClasstools: Post-itClasstools: Living GraphClasstools: Fakebook, Windows Live Movie Maker

Create a Timeline/ Sequence Information

Students sequence information, events, data and/or documents in chronological order

Teacher Tools: TimeToastGliffy

Student Tools: Classtools: Living GraphClasstools: Timelinereadwritethink:Timeline Bubbl usClasstools: Diagrams Classtools: FakebookClasstools: Twister- Fake TweetWixieKidblogPBWorks, research

Create an Illustration (accompanied by text)

Students create a map, a concept map, word pictures, a mural, or a storyboard to illustrate concepts, events, or topics related to a learning unit.

Teacher Tools: 

Student Tools: ABCya: PaintWixieVokiABCya: Make an AnimationMake Beliefs ComixPicLitsStorybirdVoiceThreadClasstools: Timelinereadwritethink:Trading Card CreatorScribbleMapsClasstools: Living Graphreadwritethink:Timeline

Critical Analysis / Reflection

Students engage in activities focused on higher level, critical analysis including: applying literary theory/criticism, identifying multiple points of view, embedded values, bias, doublespeak, propaganda, etc., making inferences, evaluating sources, relevance, credibility, validity, etc.

Teacher Tools: 

Student Tools: EdmodoKidblogVoiceThreadPBWorksClasstools: FakebookClasstools: SMS Fake Text GeneratorClasstools: Twister- Fake TweetOpposing Viewpoints Resource Center - Critical ThinkingOpposing Viewpoints in Context



Students explain and articulate ideas verbally and critically while responding to products from a variety of social, historical and contextual perspectives

Teacher Tools:

Student Tools: VokiVoiceThreadEdmodoKidblogPadletPBWorks


Students hold a formal or informal, structured or unstructured, synchronous or asynchronous discussion by debating both sides of an issue/proposition

Teacher Tools:

Student Tools: VokiVoiceThreadKidblogPBWorksEdmodocontent, researchOpposing Viewpoints Resource Center - Critical ThinkingOpposing Viewpoints in Context

Define Terms

Students use new and old vocabulary to compose a glossary of terms

Teacher Tools:

Student Tools: PadletPBWorks ABCya: Crossword Puzzle MakerClasstools: Arcade Game GeneratorClasstools: QR Game GeneratorWixieVoiceThread, Microsoft Word, Microsoft PowerPoint, Microsoft Excel, research


Student makes a demonstration on some topic to show their understanding of an idea or process

Teacher Tools:

Student Tools: ABCya: Make an Animation, Windows Live Movie MakerVoiceThreadWixie


Student produces an explanation of an object or concept

Teacher Tools:

Student Tools: ABCya: Make an AnimationDraw toDrawIslandWixieEdmodoVokiVoiceThreadClasstools: DiagramsKidblogMake Beliefs Comix, Microsoft WordMicrosoft PowerPoint

Develop a Metaphor

Students devise a metaphorical representation of a course topic/idea

Teacher Tools:

Student Tools: ABCya: PaintDrawIslandDraw toWixieKidblogPBWorks, Microsoft PowerPointClasstools: Brainy Box

Develop Vocabulary

Students are introduced to and learn unfamiliar key words before they read

Teacher Tools: PreziUDL Book Builder

Student Tools: VoiceThreadVokiEdmodoClasstools: Arcade Game GeneratorClasstools: QR Game Generator, Microsoft PowerPoint,PadletPicLits

Directed/ Guided Reading

Students are provided specific directions and guidance with a particular text that might range from setting a specific purpose for reading (e.g. to determine the reliability of the narrator) to a directed reading-thinking activity (DR-TA), to a detailed guided reading roadmap (i.e., slow down here, skim this, reread here and take notes, skip this section, etc).

Teacher Tools: UDL Book BuilderPiktochart EducationLessonPathsScreen Leap

Student Tools: LiveBindersEdmodo,Classtools: Countdown Timer


Students engage in dialogue about text, a concept, or a process with a teacher, other students, or an external expert, synchronously or asynchronously

Teacher Tools: Twitter

Student Tools: EdmodoKidblogPBWorks, VoiceThread


Students write a draft, putting ideas into sentences and paragraphs

Teacher Tools:

Student Tools: ABCya: Type a Friendly LetterKidblog, Microsoft WordPBWorksStorybirdPicLitsWixie

Dramatic Reading/ Reader’s Theater

Students participate in and observe dramatic readings of text to enhance interest, motivation, and comprehension

Teacher Tools: Prezi

Student Tools: Windows Live Movie MakerVokiVoiceThreadWixie

Draw a Picture or Cartoon

Students create a physical or virtual drawing or caricature using a paper and pencil or digital format

Teacher Tools:

Student Tools: ABCya: Make an AnimationABCya: PaintDraw toDrawIslandWixieVokiMake Beliefs Comix

Drill and Practice

Students rehearse a strategy or technique, and uses repetition and feedback in the practice process

Teacher Tools: Poll DaddySurveyMonkey

Student Tools: Classtools: Arcade Game GeneratorClasstools: Dustbin GameClasstools: QR Game GeneratorCramEdmodoSocrative

Engage in a Simulation

Students engage in experiences focused on a content topic that mirrors the complexity of the real world

Teacher Tools:

Student Tools: ABCya: 100 Number ChartABCya: Math Tiles


The student attempts to approximate some mathematical value by further examining relationships

Teacher Tools: Poll DaddySurveyMonkey

Student Tools: ABCya: 100 Number ChartABCya: Math TilesEdmodoSocrative 

Evaluate self and/or peers

Students observe their own or a peer’s performance and analyze the performance against predetermined criteria (form and/or product)

Teacher Tools: RubistariRubric

Student Tools: VoiceThreadEdmodoKidblogPBWorks

Experience a Field Trip

Students travel to physical or virtual sites; synchronous/asynchronous

Teacher Tools: LessonPathsScoop itSymbaloo

Student Tools: EdmodoGoogle MapsCommunity WalkScribbleMapsAmerica the BeautifulBrainPopBrainPop JrCultureGramsDefined STEMDiscovery Education Streaming PlusSafari MontageNBC Learn



Formal writing (essay, report, narrative, poem, diary, etc)

Students use written forms to develop and express their own understandings of a given topic

Teacher Tools:

Student Tools: ABCya: Type a Friendly LetterKidblogPBWorksStorybirdWixie


Students start writing and just keep going, not worrying about style or mistakes

Teacher Tools:

Student Tools:  KidblogPBWorks

Generate/ Collect Data

Students generate and collect data by performing and administering surveys, tests, experiments, etc.

Teacher Tools: Poll DaddySurveyMonkey

Student Tools: EdmodoSocrativeCreate a Graph

Identify Cause and Effect

Students identify how an action or event will produce a certain response to the action in the form of another event

Teacher Tools: Gliffy,

Student Tools: Bubbl usClasstools: Diagrams, Classtools: SMS Fake Text GeneratorPadletStorybirdMake Beliefs ComixWixie

Independent Reading

Students create or negotiate individual reading plans that involve reading chosen texts outside of school

Teacher Tools:

Student Tools: ebooks, Microsoft Word, Microsoft ExcelKidblog

Interpret Maps, Charts, and Tables

Students extract and/or synthesize information from maps, carts, and/or tables

Teacher Tools:

Student Tools: KidblogPadletPBWorksEdmodoClasstools: Mission MapquestClasstools: Post-itGapMinderCreate a GraphGoogle MapsScribbleMapscontent, research

Investigate a Concept

Students explore or investigate a concept by use of research-related resources

Teacher Tools: LessonPathsSymbalooScoop it

Student Tools: EdmodoVoiceThreadKidblogPBWorksLiveBinders, content, research


Students write journal entries to brainstorm topics of personal interest, to note observations and to reflect upon their thinking

Teacher Tools:

Student Tools: KidblogEdmodoPadletPBWorksVokiWixie, Microsoft Word


Students use labels to define, categorize, or classify concepts; usually in a graphic or chart

Teacher Tools: Gliffy

Student Tools: PadletPBWorksPicLitsABCya: PaintWixie, Classtools: Diagrams


Students listen to dialogue, directions, lectures, etc, and use knowledge and competencies to go beyond “getting what was said"

Teacher Tools: PreziUDL Book Builder

Student Tools: VoiceThreadVokiPBWorksEdmodoWixieAudacityMicrosoft PowerPoint

Maintain a Log

Students record a log of activities, observations, perceptions, reflections on feelings; both in school and outside school

Teacher Tools:

Student Tools: Bubbl us, Microsoft Word, Microsoft ExcelKidblogPadletEdmodoWixie

Make Inferences

Students use clues to learn more about the text and make a conclusion or judgment based on that information

Teacher Tools:

Student Tools: EdmodoKidblogVoiceThread, Microsoft WordPicLitsStorybirdClasstools: Brainy Box

Make Predictions

Students make predictions about text that will be read As a means of drawing upon existing knowledge and generating new connections with a text, students make predictions about texts.

Teacher Tools:

Student Tools: EdmodoKidblogVoiceThreadPadletVokiWixieClasstools: Diagrams

Outlining/ Listing

Students generate and organize a list of topics, ideas, phrases, and/or sentences before they begin to write or create

Teacher Tools:

Student Tools: KidblogPadletPBWorksBubbl usClasstools: Diagramsresearch

Picture Walk

Teacher guides students through text by looking at and discussing the pictures before reading

Teacher Tools: Piktochart EducationPrezi

Student Tools: VoiceThreadWixieEdmodoKidblogLiveBinders, content


Students combine textual and visual elements to share their understanding for peers/others; oral or multimedia format, synchronous or asynchronous

Teacher Tools: TimeToast

Student Tools: PresentationABCya: PaintPBWorksCommunity WalkScribbleMapsPicLitsStorybirdreadwritethink:Timeline


Students design ideas for 3-D fabrication of objects, sculptures and environments in physical or electronic form

Teacher Tools:

Student Tools: DrawIslandDraw toWixieABCya: Paint


Students demonstrate their knowledge within the context of a testing environment, such as responding to questions on a test or quiz

Teacher Tools: Poll DaddySurveyMonkey

Student Tools: Edmodo Socrative

Read Text

Students extract information from textbooks, historical documents, census data, or other written materials, in either print or digital form

Teacher Tools:

Student Tools: content

Reading For Fluency (choral, paired, repeated, reader’s theater, recitation)

Students read aloud (as an entire group in unison, together with a fluent reader, aloud with a fluent readerthen alone, with an audience present using a script, or in public)

Teacher Tools:

Student Tools: content, VoiceThread, Voki

Recognize a Pattern

Students examine a pattern presented to them and attempt to understand the pattern better

Teacher Tools: Kahoot!

Student Tools: ABCYA 100s Chart, ABCYA Math Tiles, Socrative, ABCYA Paint, Wixie,, Microsoft Powerpoint, Microsoft Word


Students gather, explore, analyze and synthesize information from print and/or digital resources that contain background information on course content

Teacher Tools:

Student Tools: Curation, Storage, Productivity, Collaboration, content, research



Individually or in groups, students reflect upon and retell what they remember about a story, text, artifacts, or concepts

Teacher Tools: PreziPowToon,

Student Tools: Classtools Timeline, ABCya Animation, Wixie, Voki, Kidblog, EdmodoMake Belief Comix, VoiceThread, Microsoft Word, Microsoft Powerpoint

Revising/ Editing

Students improve their writing and other products by adding details, rearranging information, deleting information, replacing information, and correcting mechanics, grammar and spelling

Teacher Tools:

Student Tools: Kidblog, Edmodo, VoiceThread, Microsoft Word

Semantic Feature Analysis

Students use a grid to explore the similarities and differences among events, people, objects or ideas

Teacher Tools:

Student Tools: Padlet, Classtools Diagrams, VoiceThread, Microsoft Excel

Solve a Puzzle

Students carry out a strategy or technique within the context of solving an engaging puzzle

Teacher Tools:

Student Tools: Bubblus, ABCya Crossword Puzzle Maker, Classtools Dustbin Game, ABCya Math Tiles

Storyboarding/ Sequencing

Students organize ideas by outlining a series of images, actions, and text/voice

Teacher Tools: Timetoast

Student Tools: Bubblus, Classtools Diagrams, Classtools Timeline, readwritethink timeline, Make Beliefs Comix, VoiceThread, Microsoft Word, Microsoft Powerpoint


Students tell stories or narratives often by improvisation or embellishment

Teacher Tools: PowToon

Student Tools: ABCya Animation, Wixie, Voki, Make Beliefs Comix, Storybird, Microsoft Word, Microsoft Powerpoint


Students summarize or paraphrase the major points of a text or multimedia presentation

Teacher Tools:

Student Tools: Bubblus, Classtools DiagramsKigblog, PBWorks, Wordsift, Wordle, ABCya Wordclouds, Voki, VoiceThread, Classtools Animation, ABCya Animation, SMS Fake tweet, Microsoft Word

Take Notes

Students record essential ideas about what they are learning from text, lecture, live or recorded games, videos, presentations, or group work

Teacher Tools:

Student Tools: KidblogPadletPBWorksMicrosoft Word


The student develops and delivers a lesson on a particular concept, strategy, or problem; sharing their understanding and relevant examples

Teacher Tools:

Student Tools: VokiEdmodoPadletPBWorksVoiceThreadLiveBindersScribbleMapsCommunity WalkClasstools: Brainy Boxreadwritethink:Cube CreatorWixiecontent, research

Think Aloud

Students say out loud what they are thinking while reading

Teacher Tools:

Student Tools: AudacityVoiceThread


Students talk about the content they are reading by thinking about a question or prompt, pairing up with a student to discuss and sharing their thinking with rest of class

Teacher Tools:

Student Tools: EdmodoVoiceThreadPBWorksPadletBubbl us

View a Presentation/ Demonstration

Students gain information from teachers, guest speakers, and peers; moving images/objects (video, animations); synchronous/asynchronous; in-person or multimedia

Teacher Tools: Piktochart EducationPreziUDL Book Builder,

Student Tools: Windows Live Move Maker Microsoft PowerPointClasstools: Brainy Boxreadwritethink:Cube Creator, VoiceThreadVokiWixiePBWorkscontent, ActivInspire, Mimio Studio

View images

Students observe/examine static or animated, print or digital media from teachers, guests and peers; synchronous and asynchronous

Teacher Tools: Piktochart EducationPreziUDL Book BuilderPinterest

Student Tools: Make Beliefs Comix, readwritethink:Cube CreatorClasstools: Brainy Boxreadwritethink:Trading Card Creator, VoiceThreadWixieEdmodoPadletPBWorksPicLitsStorybirdcontent


Students generate images and visual imagery while reading or listening to content and also to recall what they remember

Teacher Tools:

Student Tools: ABCya: Make an AnimationABCya: PaintDrawIslandDraw toWixie





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