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Draw to

Page history last edited by Valerie Schaffer 7 years, 3 months ago

 Using draw.to

 Level 2 No Data Is Shared Icon

Level 2 Tool

No data is shared:

Access to this tool does not require any user to share information about themselves






This information last checked: 10/21/2016





Getting Started 


Draw.to is an artistic tool which allows users to, in their words, "draw anything you like, and share it instantly."  Create and share simple drawings — like those you do on a napkin in real life. Draw for fun or to communicate an idea. When you're done you can share your drawing with a single click!


Learning How 


draw.to Screen

  1. Open the site draw.to 
  2. Choose your marker size and color
  3. Start drawing.       


Ideas for Use


  • art skills 
  • making an advertisement
  • describing and drawing a character
  • illustrating a written composition 




Provide multiple means of

Representation (Content)


Provide multiple means of

Action and Expression (Product)

Students can use this tool a sketching space for their ideas.       

Provide multiple means of

Engagement (Process)



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