
The Learner Centered Environment

Page history last edited by Jennifer Weaver 6 years, 4 months ago


Table of Contents





Professional Learning Tool



The Professional Learning Tool describes the characteristics of a learner-centered environment by connecting the Teaching and Learning Framework with the focus areas of teacher, space, and student. These connections to the Charlotte Danielson Framework for Teaching and the Framework for 21st Century Learning supports teachers in using sound instructional practices that meet the needs of all students.


Possible Uses: 

  • learning walks
  • ghost walks
  • information observations (by administration)
  • coaching sessions
  • as a guide for lesson planning (or co-planning)




             Professional Learning Tool


Download the Professional Learning Tool

Download the Professional Learning Tool with Examples of Evidence




Small Group Models 


Targeted small group instruction is an imperative part of the learner centered classroom allowing the teacher to meet groups of students and provide the resources and support they need based on their mastery of a standard.  The following are examples of how small groups might be managed/implemented in your classroom.


Small Group Models.docx

Targeted Small Group Instruction Models





Classroom Arrangement 


Things to Consider for Room Arrangement:


1.  "Maximize the layout of your room- If possible, arrange seats/tables/desks so that you can easily move among them and can see multiple screens at once.  Some teachers have different arrangements for different activities (desks/seats facing the periphery during independent work, facing front during direct instruction), others use designated areas in the room for technology activities (like stations or centers), and others use mirrors around the room to provide multiple "eyes" in the room." From the Office of Instructional Technology in Cherry Creek Schools


Blended Learning Flexible Groupings  '


 2. Be creative- Rethink the way your class is set up.  Do you have learning spaces for students to work in small groups? large groups? independently? Are there learning spaces that don’t involve desks and chairs?


Classroom Layouts  


3. Be responsive- Listen to your students and change plans accordingly.  Take advantage of student interests and ideas.  Allow students to form groups and choose their learning space.



Quote from  


4. Make good use of space- Place learning materials in a location that all students can see and access easily.  Create visuals for around the room in collaboration with students so that they are useful and serve a purpose.


Resources Easily Accessible

Check out the BCPS ODL Pinterest Board


5. Avoid "the stage"- Avoid putting yourself "on stage" in the front of the room.  Create an environment where you can move freely around the room and arrange furniture and materials so that you can collaborate with students and facilitate their learning experience


Sage on the Stage and Guide on the Side 



Additional Resources:






Blended Learning Models  


Blended learning is an instructional delivery model in which the student accesses content and instruction through a blend of face-to-face interaction and digital learning opportunities.


Components of a blended classroom might include: accessing assigned digital content, collaborative work, formative or summative assessment, whole group instruction, independent activities, and small group instruction


Using these components there is an endless number of potential pathways for students to move through.  You will find five possible group pathways below.  Remember, these are just some of the possible pathways.  


Any of the pathways can be customized to meet the needs of the teacher or students in the class.  

Blended Learning Model


Download a copy of the Blended Learning Pathways







Terms & Definitions  (Source: Modern Teacher




Learner-Centered Environment: 
  • The instructor creates authentic experiences that motivate students to construct their own meaning and  accept responsibility for learning.  
  • Key Concept: Authenticity, student responsibility



Learner-centered environments page

Customized Learning:

  • Learner advancement is based on demonstration of mastery in content standards.  Students are empowered to meet explicit, measurable, transferable learning objectives through meaningful assessment. The time required to demonstrate mastery may vary from student to student. 
  •  Key Concept: Mastery learning based upon defined standards


Customization - Chapter 6 (Source: Modern Teacher)

Personalized Learning:

  • Instructional design in which the student takes an active role in their learning through choice in sequence and selection of learning experiences based on standards, interests and learning preferences
  •  Key Concept: Student Choice in learning experiences


Tips for Personalized Learning 

Blended Learning: (Source: BCPS, 2017)

  • Teachers engage in responsive teaching and learning anchored in performance and mastery using data-driven processes. ​
  • Students engage in a wide array of learning experiences such as direct instruction with teachers in whole group and small groups, collaborative work with peers as well as independent inquiry.​
  • Teachers and students leverage both print and digital resources every day and in every classroom to optimize learning. ​
  • Key Concept: Mix of face-to-face and digital instructional delivery system


Example Blended Learning Models 


Blended Learning Model: Stations  

Flipped Learning:

  • Instructional delivery model in which direct instruction is delivered through digital content accessed during independent time.  This allows for face-to-face instructional time to focus on authentic learning tasks delivered through constructivist and inquiry-based pedagogies.  
  • Key Concept: Ownership of learning is transferred from teacher to student through digital delivery of direct instruction


Flipped-Learning Toolkit 


DLU Flipped Learning Workshop Resources 

21st Century Skills:


Partnership for 21st Century Learning Framework 


Digital tools to support the P21 Skills 




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