Dive into the Deep End: Planning Learning Activities Above the Line


Dive into the Deep End:

Planning Learning Activites Above the LIne


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Workshop Description:

Participants will develop a clear understanding of modification and redefinition from the SAMR model. They will develop a criteria to use in the creation of learning tasks that are above the line. This workshop is not for beginners. Participants need to have a working understanding and experience reflecting on and applying the SAMR model.

Outcome: Participants will create a learning task that is at the modification or redefinition level of the SAMR model in order to prepare for Students and Teachers Accessing Tomorrow.


Indicator: Participants will be able to use the software effectively and efficiently.


Prerequisite Skills: A working understanding and experience reflecting on and applying the SAMR model




Digital vs. Digitized Learning 


Define the two terms. What is the difference between the two types of learning?



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Transforming Tasks   
Directions: Explore the modficiation and redefinition scenarios below. Create a list of characteristics that differentiate tasks at the modification and redefinition (above the line) levels from substitution and augmentation (below the line). Think about how the original task was redesigned to be more meaningful, authentic, relevant, and rigorous. 

Scenario #1

Scenario #2

Scenario #3

Scenario #4

Scenario #5 

Scenario #6 


Planning Process 

Transforming Tasks Planning Process  



